Member Agencies
Effective January 2022, CalRecycle requires cities and counties to comply with SB 1383 by annually procuring recovered organics such as composted biosolids. OC San assists member agencies in meeting this requirement through the following options:
- OC San has partnered with our biosolids compost manufacturers to make compost available at a discount as detailed in these program flyers.
- OC San has bulk compost available onsite for our member agencies to sample before ordering larger quantities directly from contractors. Instructions and contact information are contained within this e-form.
For details regarding SB 1383 and CalRecycle regulations, visit California’s Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy - CalRecycle Home Page.
For additional information or questions, please contact
Name: Matt Smith
Phone: (714) 593-7439

Public Customers
The following locations stock bulk biosolids compost that can be purchased by the public.