OC San is committed to being a leading environmental steward, dedicated to protecting public health and the environment through effective wastewater collection, treatment, and recycling. We achieve our mission by implementing innovative technologies and sustainable practices. From recycling 100% of our reclaimable water flow to supporting the Groundwater Replenishment System, we ensure the responsible management of natural resources

Source Control
The Orange County Sanitation District has an award winning source control program. This program, overseen by the Resource Protection Division has helped decrease the amount of toxic pollutants entering the sewer. Businesses that release wastewater into our sewers must meet strict regulations that keep toxic pollutants out of the sewer.
Our Resource Protection inspectors monitor the results of testing to see if there are any violations of the ordinances by businesses. The Orange County Sanitation District responds to ordinance violations through enforcement actions, which can include monetary penalties.
OC San has achieved an industry first by recycling 100% of our reclaimable flow, thanks to our partnership with the Orange County Water District (OCWD). We send all possible water to the Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS), which purifies it using microfiltration, reverse osmosis, and ultraviolet light with hydrogen peroxide.
The GWRS Final Expansion now allows OC San to provide 170 million gallons daily, serving one million residents in central and north Orange County. This success highlights our strong partnership and commitment to sustainability. Learn more at www.ocwd.com/gwrs.
Energy Production
OC San generates energy from burning natural gas and methane gas (biogas) which is a byproduct of the wastewater treatment process. This is enough electricity to power 11,100 homes. The net power savings from OC San generated electricity is about $6.9 million per year in power that would otherwise be purchased from a utility or an Energy Service Provider.