Service Area of Orange County
The Orange County Sanitation District (OC San) is responsible for safely collecting, treating, disposing, and recycling the wastewater generated by 2.6 million people living in a 479-square-mile area of central and northwest Orange County. OC San's service area covers 20 cities, four special districts, and the unincorporated part of the County of Orange.

Connecting to OC San: The Annexation Process
If your property is outside the OC San service boundaries and you wish to obtain service, it must first be annexed to the District (added to the service area) before connecting to the public sewer system. Since you or the previous landowner did not contribute to the development of OC San’s sewer facilities through property taxes or other means, a one-time annexation fee is required. This fee covers the administrative costs of the annexation process, including application processing, map preparation, environmental and staff reports, and a share of the cost to install and maintain the sewer system.
In return for this fee, you gain access to OC San’s facilities and services. For annexation information, please contact Adrian Siew at (714) 593-7164 or