Wastewater 101 - Citizens Academy

We are known by many names, the poop plant, the agency behind the wall, OCSD (our former name), but our real name is Orange County Sanitation District. But you can call us by our nickname OC San. We just recently changed our name to OC San to better represent who we are.
The whole point of this Wastewater 101 - Citizens Academy is because we want you to get to know us, the real us. As the regional wastewater treatment agency responsible for safely collecting, treating and disposing the wastewater generated by 2.6 million people living in a 479-square-mile area of central and northwest Orange County, there are so many pieces of what we do. This Academy will breakdown all pieces of OC San so that you can walk away with a better understanding of what we do, how we do it and why we do it.
Through four workshops we aim to do just that. Each workshop will be led by an OC San expert who will guide participants through the workshop and answer questions during the Q&A section.
Participants who attend all workshops will have successfully completed the entire Wastewater 101 - Citizens Academy and will receive a certificate of completion at the Board of Directors Meeting.